Olawale Onabola

I am a Machine Learning Engineer at RBI (Tim Hortons) where I work largely on recommendation system.

At RBI, I build and deploy scalable recommendation systems for the TH Drive Thrus across Canada.

Previously, I interned in the Humanitarian AI group at MILA under the supervision of Dianbo Liu and Kris Sankaran. My Principal Investigator was Prof Yoshua Bengio.
Immediately after leaving MILA, I joined a startup briefly where I worked on RL-based recommendation system.

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I'm generally interested in building deep learning algorithms drawing inspiration from the intersection of statistical physics, computational neuroscience and computer science, with application to recommendation systems, drug discovery and humanitarian causes.


[05/2023] Invited as a panelist to the Associative Memory & Hopfield Networks Workshop at NeurIPS, 2023.
[07/2021] Our paper on FloW: A Dataset and Benchmark for Floating Waste Detection in Inland Waters was accepted to ICCV, 2021.
[02/2021] Our paper on hBert+BiasCorp - Fighting Racism on the Web was accepted to the First Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at EACL, 2021.
[08/2020] Participated in 2020 MIT CBMM Brains, Minds & Machines Summer Course (remotely due to COVID).
[10/2019] Accepted offer to join MILA for a research internship.
[10/2018] Awarded a travel grant by BAI to attend NeurIPS, 2018.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website